Demo report on the eProfit tool of Teagasc in Spain

The Teagasc eProfit Monitor is an online financial analysis tool. Is a client based service so it is not possible to obtain the tool to test it with farms from our region. Due to this drawback, we focused the demo in analysing the characteristics of the tool, the inputs, reports… INTIA organised a webinar on this tool.

Benefits: The benefits of the tool have been seen in the manuals and example reports of eProfit web, but as said before DEMO cannot be carried out ordinarily. 

-It can be used in different kind of farms: dairy, cattle, sheep and tillage.

-Each enterprise can be analysed by different units of production (litre of milk, kg of beef, tonne of grain).

-Areas of weakness and strengths can be identified.

-The farm can be analysed on a whole farm basis and/or on an individual enterprise basis.

-The possibility of comparing the latest yearly analysis with previous years allows to monitor progress in achieving yearly targets

Obstacles: The obstacles have been seen in the manuals and example reports of eProfit web, as said before DEMO cannot be carried out ordinarily. 

-Reports don´t include graphics or figures that help to understand different indicators.

-Social or environmental sustainability aspects are not included, in order to obtain a complete analysis of the farm performance.

Additional costs and savings:  Utilisation of technical-economic management tools as eProfit monitor helps the farmer optimising the costs and benefits contributing to a more efficient performance

Recommendation: It would be advisable to test eProfit in a complete way to recommend the innovation, but we believe that his kind of tools can be very useful for the farmers as they will manage in a better way their resources, resulting in a better economic performance.

Author: Paula Eguinoa - INTIA