The certification system QMP (Quality Meat Program) was prepared to support the production of safe and good cooking beef. It still and continually develops to market

Everyone, who works in the QMP System (breeder, processing entity, transport companies) undertakes to comply with strictly defined rules (QMP Standards) the observance of which is controlled every year by an independent certifying body. Standards of the QMP System define the entire process of beef meat production, from indication of breed for the best meat, to the manner of its packing and labelling. Thanks to them, QMP certified beef, which goes to trade and on tables, is always tasty, tender, juicy, soft and from a trusted source. Regardless of which region it comes from.
The system guarantees beef production, which satisfies qualitatively meat consumer and gourmets expectations and gives an opportunity to get a higher price per cattle piece. Cattle producers are the foundation of beef supply chain at the domestic and foreign market. At the present moment, among Polish farmers we already have a few dozens of farms covered with beef deliveries certification in the QMP system, and the attractiveness of the system is confirmed by the growth in the number of participants.
The system is designed for the production of high-quality meat and livestock with higher prices as well as indicator of neutral on environment and climate changes. The Implementation on farm depends on the stage of production, however the adaptation of all standards is time consuming.
This Good Practice has an Impact on:
- Socio-economic resilience: prices received for animal products
- Animal health and welfare: animal comfort, animals access to all resources, consumer orientations in animal welfare
- Production efficiency and meat quality: average daily growth, carcass quality
- Environmental sustainability: kg CO2-eq/animal; carbon balance farm,
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