During the first round of BovINE one of the research innovations proposed was to use infrared thermography (IR) for diagnosis of lameness . This technique was demonstrated in Germany and Belgium. In the Belgian demo Research institute for agriculture, fisheries and food (ILVO) presented together with the Vlaio project ClawCare the thermal camera on a beef farm.

The thermal camera used here was a small device to add on a smartphone. Together with an app, the farmer himself can analyse the hooves of the animals. This way the farmer himself can check for hoof problems, like Mortellaro lesions. All information available was done on dairy. For this, it was interesting for both BovINE and ClawCare to demonstrate this on beef cattle. Together with a claw carer they looked at the hooves and analysed thermal images. A video about this demonstration has been done and is available on youtube.
Link to ClawCare project: www.koesensor.be/klauwgezondheid