Author: José Pais – ACBM (


This demonstration took place online through the Zoom platform with the participation of 46 attendances. The webinar had the participation of three speakers: 

  • Manuel Silveira from Ruralbit who gave a presentation on online platforms for data recording and archiving.
  • Paulo Lobo Santos who talked about reports and data analysis on reproductive efficiency.
  • João Diogo Ferreira discussed on his experience in using the online platform “e-Exploração” ( and the need to use more advanced data analysis through the PowerBI software.

The speakers stressed that having data on file is not enough to get results, careful and accurate analysis is extremely important for production efficiency in general and, in this case, for reproductive efficiency. That is why it is essential to understand the importance of this technology and its added value in beef production.

The webinar was recorded and can be seen here:

 As benefits of using this tool, it is possible to identify animals of low performance and those that are unproductive, which are only generating costs on the farm. And by solving the existing problems with these animals, increases in farm income can be achieved. However, the need for specialized support and the cost of the service provided, is the major difficulty encountered in applying the data analysis on the farm. On the other hand, the elimination of unproductive breeding females results in an important cost reduction.

 This tool is definitely recommended to any farmer, as data monitoring is important to increase reproductive efficiency and get better economic results. 




Further information: 


- Observatory for cattle reproductive performances in France: