Search Results

Animal welfare guideline for animal husbandry of fattening bulls and suckler cows in Lower Saxony

Posted: Tue 19th Jan, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Animal Health and Welfare General

Automatic fodderpushing for more productivity

Posted: Tue 24th Aug, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Welfare indicators for young cattle and animal with no access to the outside, a complement to the Boviwell diagnosis

Posted: Tue 19th Oct, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Demonstration: Rubbermats on slats - the animal welfare version of slats? (Italy)

Posted: Mon 8th Nov, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Demonstration: Different floors for fattening (Poland)

Posted: Mon 1st Nov, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Rubbermats on slats - the animal welfare version of slats?

Posted: Wed 16th Sep, 2020
Author: Frank Zerbe
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Straw bedding for finisher bulls

Posted: Wed 16th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Fattening bulls on straw with automated bedding and feeding. The future in view.

Posted: Tue 1st Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Increased animal welfare for fattening bulls due to combination of different floors

Posted: Mon 23rd Nov, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Fattening bulls on slatted floor with perforated rubber mats. Alternative to straw litter.

Posted: Mon 30th Nov, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

The use of rubber coverings/mats on slats to improve animal welfare

Posted: Mon 14th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Deep litter - a sensible compromise for fattening bulls?

Posted: Wed 16th Sep, 2020
Author: Frank Zerbe
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Use of rubber mats on slatted floors

Posted: Wed 16th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Early detection of hoof lesions and pain detection through a standardized scoring system

Posted: Thu 10th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Recognising Causes of Lameness & Pain - Indicators & Different Assessment Criteria

Monitoring ruminal temperature in young bulls

Posted: Mon 30th Nov, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: Animal Monitor Tools in Fattening Units

Demonstrations on automated weight in Belgium, Ireland and Poland

Posted: Fri 4th Feb, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Animal Monitor Tools in Fattening Units

Using precision feeding through Keenan systems PACE technology in feeding finishing cattle

Posted: Sun 29th Nov, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: Animal Monitor Tools in Fattening Units

Use of collective drinkers during the quarantine phase

Posted: Wed 3rd Nov, 2021
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Examining economically efficient housing systems for beef cattle

Demonstration: Automatic Feeding System for beef cattle farms

Posted: Thu 2nd Jun, 2022
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Examining economically efficient housing systems for beef cattle

Scale at the waterpoint

Posted: Thu 19th Aug, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Simple labour-saving tools to measure and communicate high animal welfare standards on beef farms

Automated video analysis of the behaviour of fattening bulls to improve the assessment of welfare (BeBoP)

Posted: Mon 20th Sep, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Simple labour-saving tools to measure and communicate high animal welfare standards on beef farms

Clean water through a small step?

Posted: Mon 13th Sep, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Mix and Match - Grouping Beef bulls affects social stress, respiratory disease and weight gain

Posted: Thu 26th Aug, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Good animal care during the adaptation phase (from the arrival to the beginning of the fattening period.

Posted: Wed 3rd Nov, 2021
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Ceiling fans - Reduction of thermal stress for solid weight gain

Posted: Tue 24th Aug, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Facilities for Optimal Cattle Handling

Posted: Wed 22nd Dec, 2021
Author: José Pais
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Using a sourcing and animal health protocol to reduce health and welfare issues on a bull beef fattening unit in Ireland.

Posted: Tue 26th Oct, 2021
Author: Kevin Kinsella
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Beef+: Beef circularity through vegetable by-product feeding strategies

Posted: Tue 24th Aug, 2021
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Sponge cake and cake scraps in finishing cattle feeding improving meat marbling

Posted: Thu 27th Jan, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Estrus detection in suckler cows using automated on-farm tools

Posted: Fri 25th Jun, 2021
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Optimizing the number of calves per cow per year in suckler beef herds

Replacing maize silage and concentrate by grass silage and corn-cob mix

Posted: Wed 29th Jun, 2022
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: The use of alternative feedstuffs to reduce the high costs of raw material for feeding

The use of a cookie crowbar as an alternative energy feed in the finishing feed ration

Posted: Tue 30th Aug, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: The use of alternative feedstuffs to reduce the high costs of raw material for feeding

Purchasing calves for fattening - what to look out for when selecting calves

Posted: Sat 14th May, 2022
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: On farm health check of youngstock prior to sale/purchase including vaccination status

Using a genetic Index for improving marbling and average daily gain

Posted: Mon 15th Aug, 2022
Author: Anna Lena Lindau
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Genetic selection (genetic index) to improve the quality of carcass on farm-produced animals

Posted: Fri 8th Jul, 2022
Author: Marie PENN
Category: On-farm strategies to increase/improve marbling/tenderness/colour in beef meat 

Different modifications of finishing diets for beef cattle for better carcass and meat quality

Posted: Tue 26th Jul, 2022
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: On-farm strategies to increase/improve marbling/tenderness/colour in beef meat 

Use of the relative breeding value of meat to optimise resource use

Posted: Thu 13th Oct, 2022
Author: Anna Lena Lindau
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms