Search Results

Prediction of beef palatability using the Meat Standard Australia (MSA) system

Posted: Sat 28th Nov, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

Self-Marketing and contract slaughtering in North Rhine-Westphalia

Posted: Tue 10th Nov, 2020
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Risk Management Systems for Farmers

Elective Caesarean Section (ECS)

Posted: Tue 8th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Guidelines of Peripartum Measures to Prevent Dystocia (problems at calving)

Pelvimetry for natural births – measuring the pelvic area to reach mainly natural calving, even for double muscled cattle

Posted: Wed 16th Sep, 2020
Author: Frank Zerbe
Category: Guidelines of Peripartum Measures to Prevent Dystocia (problems at calving)

Straw bedding for finisher bulls

Posted: Wed 16th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Fattening bulls on straw with automated bedding and feeding. The future in view.

Posted: Tue 1st Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Fattening bulls on slatted floor with perforated rubber mats. Alternative to straw litter.

Posted: Mon 30th Nov, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

The use of rubber coverings/mats on slats to improve animal welfare

Posted: Mon 14th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Deep litter - a sensible compromise for fattening bulls?

Posted: Wed 16th Sep, 2020
Author: Frank Zerbe
Category: Lameness in beef cattle

Welfair TM - the first animal welfare certification scheme that is assessing the condition and behavior.

Posted: Wed 16th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Recognising Causes of Lameness & Pain - Indicators & Different Assessment Criteria

Smart Farms: individual herd monitoring

Posted: Wed 23rd Dec, 2020
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Animal Monitor Tools in Fattening Units

Beef Label Rouge: A quality specification in France

Posted: Tue 22nd Dec, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

Genetic improvement for eating quality traits

Posted: Wed 16th Dec, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

Muscle ultrasonography as a method for phenotype evaluation of meat quality in vivo

Posted: Fri 18th Dec, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

Marker-assisted selection related to meat tenderness in two local Spanish breeds

Posted: Mon 30th Nov, 2020
Author: Virginia Resconi
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

Demonstration: The evolution of the genetic improvement of the Pirenaica breed - New possibilities

Posted: Tue 4th Jan, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

Carcass data registered at slaughter available to farmers

Posted: Wed 30th Mar, 2022
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: The Use of Available Data (Traceability) to Improve Performance & Meat Quality

GHG mitigation in fodder production for beef cattle

Posted: Tue 15th Dec, 2020
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Strategies to Reduce the Enteric Emission of Beef Cattle

Cover crops to decrease nutrient leaching

Posted: Tue 8th Dec, 2020
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Reduction of Nutrient & Pesticide Leaching to Improve Quality of Surface Water

Animal welfare guideline for animal husbandry of fattening bulls and suckler cows in Lower Saxony

Posted: Tue 19th Jan, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Animal Health and Welfare General

Quality meat program

Posted: Wed 16th Dec, 2020
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Animal Health and Welfare General

Marketing strategies for a hypothetical new beef quality label (“Serrana de Teruel”)

Posted: Thu 14th Oct, 2021
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Consumer attributes of beef quality from the industry and the consumer point of view

Posted: Thu 14th Oct, 2021
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Welfare Quality - Animal Welfare Certification

Posted: Thu 14th Oct, 2021
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Marketing in beef cattle production

Posted: Thu 14th Oct, 2021
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

EU Quality Schemes Applied to Beef Production

Posted: Mon 1st Nov, 2021
Author: José Pais
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Producers organisation creating a shorter chain

Posted: Tue 2nd Nov, 2021
Author: dirk audenaert
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

A new image of beef farming through the high standards of the Quality Meat Programme.

Posted: Mon 17th Jan, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

French meetings "MADE in VIANDE"

Posted: Thu 2nd Dec, 2021
Author: Floriane PROST
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Cattle as object of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Posted: Tue 12th Oct, 2021
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Meat and Dairy facts

Posted: Tue 12th Oct, 2021
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Made in Viande

Posted: Tue 8th Mar, 2022
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

The French system of official labels of quality and origin

Posted: Tue 12th Oct, 2021
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Approaches implemented by the animal sectors in France in response to societal expectations

Posted: Tue 12th Oct, 2021
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

#FansdelVacuno campaign to promote beef consumption.

Posted: Wed 10th Nov, 2021
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

TV commercial for grassfed beef

Posted: Fri 10th Dec, 2021
Author: Airi Külvet
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Demonstration : THE SUSTAINABLE MEAT PROJECT”- A successful communication experience to consumers and stakeholders

Posted: Thu 29th Sep, 2022
Author: Kees de Roest
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Public quality labels for beef to promote national productions

Posted: Tue 12th Oct, 2021
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

Use of Sustainability and Quality Assurance Scheme in Ireland to improve beef image.

Posted: Mon 11th Oct, 2021
Author: Kevin Kinsella
Category: Initiatives to improve the image of and promote the sustainable consumption of beef

 Improving and communicating animal welfare standards on beef farms with the Bord Bia Sustainable Beef and Lamb Quality Assurance Scheme and FAWAC education booklet. 

Posted: Tue 19th Oct, 2021
Author: Kevin Kinsella
Category: Simple labour-saving tools to measure and communicate high animal welfare standards on beef farms

Welfare Assessment Protocol for Beef Cattle

Posted: Mon 1st Nov, 2021
Author: José Pais
Category: Simple labour-saving tools to measure and communicate high animal welfare standards on beef farms

Clean water through a small step?

Posted: Mon 13th Sep, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Welfare indicators for young cattle and animal with no access to the outside, a complement to the Boviwell diagnosis

Posted: Tue 19th Oct, 2021
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Finishing Betizu´s bulls in paddows

Posted: Tue 9th Nov, 2021
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

Development of a protocol on animal protection and welfare in INTIA

Posted: Mon 8th Nov, 2021
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Management, housing and environmental factors which affect animal welfare in rearing and finishing units

A Farmer Scheme to produce superior quality beef - Certified Irish Angus Beef

Posted: Fri 8th Oct, 2021
Author: Kevin Kinsella
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Optimization of management in a consortium of farmers to reach better and standardized quality

Posted: Wed 3rd Nov, 2021
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

The use of antioxidants to extend the shelflife of the meat from intensive finished cattle

Posted: Mon 8th Nov, 2021
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Beef+: Beef circularity through vegetable by-product feeding strategies

Posted: Tue 24th Aug, 2021
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Vitamin D3 supplementation of cattle diets 30 day before slaughter is efficacious to enhance total beef vitamin D activity

Posted: Wed 23rd Mar, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Recommendations to prevent thermal stress at transport of beef cattle

Posted: Wed 10th Nov, 2021
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Animal feeding and stress on meat quality

Good practices in a high genetic Limousine suckler beef farm for optimization of calving period

Posted: Wed 3rd Nov, 2021
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Optimizing the number of calves per cow per year in suckler beef herds

Environmental performance rewarding system for farmers: High Environmental Value French label (HVE)

Posted: Thu 9th Sep, 2021
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Reward schemes for farmers meeting environmental deliverables

Carbon crediting

Posted: Tue 7th Sep, 2021
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Reward schemes for farmers meeting environmental deliverables

Explanation priority topic Reward Systems

Posted: Thu 9th Sep, 2021
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Reward schemes for farmers meeting environmental deliverables

Reward schemes for beef farmers meeting environmental deliverables - Regional Rural Development Program 2014-2020(2)

Posted: Wed 3rd Nov, 2021
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Reward schemes for farmers meeting environmental deliverables

Beef farming that is neutral for the environment

Posted: Mon 17th Jan, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: Reward schemes for farmers meeting environmental deliverables

Hedgerow systems

Posted: Tue 7th Sep, 2021
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Carbon sequestration


Posted: Thu 7th Jul, 2022
Author: Marie PENN
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Local producers' market in superstores

Posted: Mon 11th Jul, 2022
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Promulgation of the EGalim 2 law

Posted: Mon 18th Jul, 2022
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Direct sales by an association of producers to improve stockbreeders’ income

Posted: Tue 19th Jul, 2022
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Beef Producer Organisations: PriceWatch App

Posted: Fri 15th Jul, 2022
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

A producer's store

Posted: Fri 15th Jul, 2022
Author: Magda Fontes
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Examples of on-farm beef direct sale in Veneto Region - Qualità Verificata

Posted: Tue 26th Jul, 2022
Author: alessandro mazzenga
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Co-operation between NGO Liivimaa Lihaveis and Linnamäe Meat Industry in meat marketing and education of farmers and consumers.

Posted: Mon 5th Sep, 2022
Author: Airi Külvet
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Online direct marketing with a focus on sustainability and animal welfare

Posted: Mon 15th Aug, 2022
Author: Anna Lena Lindau
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Automatization of carcass classification with AI devices and direct communication and payment for beef farmer

Posted: Tue 30th Aug, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: Methods to ensure a fairer distribution of the final price along the supply/food chain

Finishing of young cattle on the basis of vegetable industry by-products

Posted: Tue 19th Jul, 2022
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: The use of alternative feedstuffs to reduce the high costs of raw material for feeding

Low Stress Stockmanship

Posted: Mon 28th Mar, 2022
Author: Karin von Deylen
Category: Training in animal welfare for operators/farmers (handlers, transporters and slaughterhouses) and stress-free drive systems during weighing and transport in beef cattle

Meat marbling measuring tool

Posted: Fri 8th Jul, 2022
Author: Marie PENN
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Training in the S-EUROP classification system in Navarre

Posted: Tue 19th Jul, 2022
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Using the 3D imaging technology to estimate lean meat yield

Posted: Tue 2nd Aug, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

A vision system for measuring eye muscle area, marbling score and intramuscular fat at the slaughterhouse

Posted: Mon 8th Aug, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Image processing method to predict beef tenderness

Posted: Mon 8th Aug, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Mapping of intramuscular marbling of carcasses in cooperation with Linnamäe Meatfactory and Liivimaa Lihaveis NPO grassfed quality scheme, with the aim of selecting suitable carcasses and providing feedback to farmers.

Posted: Tue 30th Aug, 2022
Author: Airi Külvet
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Meat@ppli – a smartphone application to determine the fat content of beef in real time

Posted: Tue 26th Jul, 2022
Author: Jakeline Romero
Category: Tools to evaluate the carcass and meat quality prior to and in the slaughterhouse 

Advantages of the Angus breed in terms of meat marbling

Posted: Tue 19th Jul, 2022
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: On-farm strategies to increase/improve marbling/tenderness/colour in beef meat 

The use of MEAT + sires in Belgian Blue.

Posted: Wed 20th Jul, 2022
Author: dirk audenaert
Category: On-farm strategies to increase/improve marbling/tenderness/colour in beef meat 

Irish Angus Producer Group Elite Breed Improvement Programme

Posted: Wed 31st Aug, 2022
Author: Kevin Kinsella
Category: On-farm strategies to increase/improve marbling/tenderness/colour in beef meat 

Vitamin E and selenium extra-nutritional supplementation in finishing diets to reduce meat deterioration

Posted: Tue 30th Aug, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: On-farm strategies to increase/improve marbling/tenderness/colour in beef meat 


Posted: Tue 26th Jul, 2022
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms

Carbon calculator

Posted: Tue 26th Jul, 2022
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms

The Carbon Navigator

Posted: Wed 27th Jul, 2022
Author: Kevin Kinsella
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms

Taking grass more into account in existing tools, and the benefits of grazing

Posted: Mon 29th Aug, 2022
Author: Floriane PROST
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms

Climate effectiveness calculator

Posted: Tue 30th Aug, 2022
Author: Marcin Gołębieski
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms

Meatguide from Estionia

Posted: Thu 13th Oct, 2022
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Tools for calculating and improving environmental sustainability on beef cattle farms

Improvement of pollinating insects

Posted: Tue 19th Jul, 2022
Author: Paola Eguinoa
Category: Methods to enhance biodiversity on beef cattle farms without the need for large investment

Promoting biodiversity on Flemish farms

Posted: Wed 20th Jul, 2022
Author: dirk audenaert
Category: Methods to enhance biodiversity on beef cattle farms without the need for large investment

Using the Greenmeter tool for improving farm biodiversity and using this as an demo to show other farmers, Puutsa farm

Posted: Thu 13th Oct, 2022
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Methods to enhance biodiversity on beef cattle farms without the need for large investment

Drones to map meadow birds

Posted: Thu 9th Jun, 2022
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Methods to enhance biodiversity on beef cattle farms without the need for large investment

Biological crop protection

Posted: Thu 25th Aug, 2022
Author: Riet Desmet
Category: Methods to enhance biodiversity on beef cattle farms without the need for large investment